"Biolube" is an innovative platform created by ENEA in the Trisaia Research Center (Matera) to produce advanced bio-lubricants and biofuels, intended to boost decarbonisation in various sectors, inclu...
A biodegradable patch treating wounds thanks to a patented ointment embedded into its nano fibers has been developed by ENEA and Nanofaber, an ENEA spin-off, with the aim of reducing the frequency of ...
Developing new policies to make the implementation of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of buildings more effective and defining an integration strategy with the new SRI (Smart Readiness Indica...
An ENEA and CREA research team has demonstrated that kiwifruit plants[1] treated with UV rays are more resistant to pathogens. In particular, over 60% of the plants treated showed reduced sensitivity ...
Over 4,300 schools, 70 thousand students and 5,600 teachers were involved in initiatives that include the monitoring of 92 stretches of beaches in the 2022/23 school year alone, detecting environmenta...
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