Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Innovation: Advanced materials, ENEA joins european initiative "Advanced Materials 2030”
ENEA, namely its Sustainability of Production and Territorial Systems Departement, has joined "Advanced Materials 2030” a European framework-initiative which aims at encouraging Europe to adopt a systemic approach towards innovative advanced materials, to meet the challenges and opportunities for society, the economy and the environment. This strategic initiative was preceded in February 2022 by the "Materials 2030 Manifesto", from which the "Draft Materials 2030 roadmap" was born in June 2022, which lists the priorities for sustainable materials innovation in various sectors: health, construction, energy, transport, home and personal care, packaging, agriculture, textiles, electronic devices.
The "Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative" is a roadmap building on the results of the two initiatives described above to develop financial tools and guidelines for technological activities in Europe. Specifically, the "Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative" will deliver in the first months of 2023 a strategic research and innovation agenda for an ambitious use of technologies and solutions based on advanced materials. "ENEA experts will possibly have specific roles in the working groups that will be set up to fine-tune the Strategic Agenda, as envisaged by the "Declaration of the 2030 Materials 2030 Initiative", explained Dario Della Sala , head of the ENEA Division of Technologies and Processes of Materials for Sustainability and contact person for the initiative for the Agency.
“Research on advanced materials is key for the development of the objectives pursued by any technology, making it crucial to participate in defining a reference and stimulus framework for materials innovation in European programs, which can contribute to strengthening the objectives of the Agency", concluded Della Sala.
These initiatives stems from an agreement among the European Technology Platforms dealing with materials and which ENEA has been following for years: EMIRI (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative), EUMAT (European Technology Platform for Advanced Materials and Engineering Technologies), SUSCHEM (European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry) and MANUFUTURE (EU Manufacturing Technologies).